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Grade: A Sizes: Skirts: 28 - 38 The bundle contains the following brands: Unbranded
Product Description: Add a touch of nostalgic charm to your wardrobe with our unique Lace ruffle skirt, carefully crafted from repurposed bed sheets. This eco-friendly skirt features: - A flowy, feminine design with gathered ruffles adding volume and texture - Soft, breathable cotton fabric for ultimate comfort - A relaxed fit perfect for casual, everyday wear or dressing up for a vintage-inspired look - A one-of-a-kind piece that reduces waste and supports sustainable fashion Details: Brand: Unbranded Grade: A Size: 28-38 Original Garment: 100% Cotton Bed Sheets Reworked Garment: Lace Ruffle Cotton Skirts
Production: Exact production time may vary Size breaks are split evenly, message us for custom sizing. Embrace the beauty of upcycling and make a statement with this one-of-a-kind Lace ruffle skirt! Sold by: Retro Reworks